A New Cultural Transformation for South American Business from the Cloud
By csc |Transformation for South American Business
Gestión de Seguridad Electrónica (GSE S.A.) has started the paradigm shift in South America. Understanding the needs of users in digital signature services, our company has enabled its products with the aim of facilitating their implementation and generating value for end customers, enriching the user experience, making it simpler and more secure.
“As of December 1, 2020, Gestión de Seguridad Electrónica – GSE S.A., began to be part of the Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) as an associate member, thus being the first South American digital certification entity to obtain this distinction. This has allowed us to achieve part of the fundamental objectives that we have as an Organization and transcend borders from the implementation of the API model of cloud signing defined by the CSC ”. -Affirms Borja Carreras, CEO of GSE.
Currently, some digital certification authorities, active members of the CSC, in Europe and North America, are working on the expansion and standardization of signing operations in the cloud, developing and creating digital signature solutions for different scenarios and business cases.
So far GSE S.A. has positioned its portfolio with the following products and services:
- Central Digital Signature.
- Virtualized Digital Signature.
- Firm@email, email services with proof of shipment on receipt and delivery.
- Firm@archivo, storage service and safe custody of data.
- Cronofirma, chronological stamp service.
- Vinkel, web application for managing electronic forms and flows.
- Firmaya Suite, digital signature applications, encryption and information exchange.
- Colfactura, electronic billing service.
- Biometrics authentication and identity validation service.
In all these services, the integration of the CSC API will begin, in order to expand its possibilities of use, build a new landscape for customers of digital signature services, generate new application alternatives, and give rise to innovative value-added services, which are supported by the CSC API.
With these activities carried out by GSE, it is expected that the use of these tools in old and new use cases can bring more benefits to each and every one of the members of the CSC, allowing interaction and positioning worldwide and encouraging the interoperability of the digital signature in the cloud.
With the hashtag #destoquenizate, awareness campaigns have been launched on social networks and different communication channels, promoting the use of digital signatures in the cloud, eliminating the need to use smart cards and usb tokens. GSE seeks to culturally transform the users operational and business practices, improving their processes, making them faster, more agile, and eliminating dependency on hardware, installing drivers, and making platforms more open.
GSE aims to be a benchmark in the implementation of solutions that involve signing in the cloud, providing a different point of view to the consortium, from the perspective of knowledge and experience integrating digital signature solutions in Colombia and, in general, for South America. Also, by being a pioneer and generating innovative ideas to the entire digital security ecosystem, thus making it possible for there to be greater in coverage and universality.
Finally, following the trend of cultural transformation, GSE hopes to positively influence the changes at the standards level that can contribute to the continuous improvement of processes by empathizing with customers and solving their problems in the most efficient and easy way.