Our technical committee is a set of people from different organizations who combine their expertise to solve the digital signature challenge
The Technical Committee was established to focus on furthering the technical aspects of trust service development, testing, communication and adaptation. It performs this role through:
- Collecting and coordinating the technical interests of CSC Members when it comes to trust services for electronic transactions. This includes – but is not limited to – interests in the establishment of technical strategy, policy, activities, testing, specifications or document approval and other technical matters of common interest to the Cloud Signature Consortium.
- Monitoring the latest technical developments in trust services for electronic transactions as well as their legal framework in the EU and worldwide; reporting on trends and challenges as well as potential opportunities and threats that are relevant to the work of CSC.
- Recommending to the CSC Board the priorities, strategy, objectives and milestones for the technical development of e-trust services.
- Reviewing, monitoring and reporting on progress for the strategies, milestones and technical activities outlined above.
- Ensuring compliance with relevant international, EU and national regulations.
- Planning and overseeing technical activities – including but not limited to: research, meetings, prototyping, testing, specifications development, publications, quality control, technical support, liaison with other technical stakeholders – to implement the agreed priorities, strategy, objectives and milestones for the technical development of e-trust services.
- Overseeing the work of the CSC secretariat and/ or contracts with external providers in the area of technical development as defined in these Terms of References.
- Maintaining close relations with the Communication and Outreach Committee to coordinate activities related to events, marketing, publications, institutional relations and advocacy.
The Technical Committee Members
Luigi Rizzo – InfoCert (Chair)
Thomas Pielczyk – intarsys (Vice-Chair)
Francesco Barcellini – Intesi Group
Harald Bratko – Graz University of Technology
Pieter Theron – Impression Signatures
Patrycja Wiktorczyk – Asseco Data Systems
Sai Prasad – eMudhra
Thomas Brochmann Pedersen – Cryptomathic
Stephen Davidson – DigiCert
The Technical Working Group
The Technical Committee is also the coordinating body of the Technical Working Group, where more member representatives work on the technical implementation of CSC’s work.