The Marketing Committee was established to focus on promoting the consortium and its activities to a wider international community.
It performs this role through:
- Collecting and coordinating the communication and outreach activities of CSC Members when it comes to the promotion of trust services for electronic transactions. This includes – but is not limited to – publications, online and physical campaigns, events, speaker engagements, institutional relations and advocacy.
- Recommending to the CSC Board the priorities, strategy, objectives and milestones for communication and outreach activities such as campaigns, events, marketing partnerships and advocacy.
- Identifying, coordinating and pursuing internal and external opportunities for outreach and promotion such as events, publications, partnerships or campaigns. Identifying cross marketing opportunities with key stakeholders and strengthening the CSC’s external relations capability.
- Overseeing the production, maintenance and use of a CSC communication and outreach toolset. This includes – but is not limited to – visual identity, standardised materials (slides, flyers, website texts), press releases, campaign tools (hashtags, links, audio-visuals,..).
- Providing input on any other communications issues that arise.
- Planning and overseeing CSC communication activities including – but not limited to – speaking opportunities, event partnerships, publications, press releases, campaigns, CSC website and social media channels.
- Overseeing the work of the CSC secretariat and/ or contracts with external providers in the area of marketing and outreach as defined in these Terms of References.
- Maintaining close relations with the Technical Committee to coordinate activities related to training, promotion of technical standards, institutional relations and advocacy. Maintaining close relations with the Membership and Partnership Committee to coordinate tools, channels and timelines.
- Establishing and implementing relevant indicators to track and measure the scope and impact of communication and outreach activities.
- Reviewing, monitoring and reporting on progress concerning the activities outlined above.
Marketing Committee

Ionut Florea
Marketing Committee Vice-Chair
Marketing Committee members
Guillaume Forget – Cryptomathic (Chair)
Ionut Florea – CertSIGN (Vice-Chair)
Paola Monti – Intesi Group
François Chassery – Certinomis
Klaus Schuch – D-Trust
Claudia Obermüller – D-Trust
Pasquale Chiaro – InfoCert
Robert-George Simion – Transsped
Dean Coclin – Digicert
Cheri Meyer-Palmer – Impression Signatures
Andras A. Barsi – ACTALIS S.p.A – Aruba Group
Massimo Bandinelli – ACTALIS S.p.A – Aruba Group
Joanna Zhu – TrustAsia
Edwin Zhai – TrustAsia
Bruce Wei – TrustAsia
Jerry Hou – TrustAsia
Henry Chen – TrustAsia
Thanos Vrachnos – SSL
Thomas Roessler – PrimeSign
Victoria Allen – Ascertia
Carrie Peter – Impression Signatures
Leo Grove – SSL
Stefan Hansen – Cryptomathic
Joao Rei – eID Easy
Viky Manaila – Intesi Group
Social Media team