Bundesdruckerei / D-Trust

Whether contract management, granting loans, taking part in public calls for tenders or signing important hospital forms: sign-me, Bundesdruckerei’s remote signature solution, allows to handle paper-based signature processes in an entirely electronic process that is not just simple and convenient, but also legally recognised throughout the EU.
Sign-me is designed for all the signature levels laid down in the eIDAS Regulation: from simple to advanced right through to qualified electronic remote signatures. The latter meets the written form requirement and has the same legal standing as a hand-written signature.
The sign-me web-based service provides a one-stop solution for remote signatures: from user identification to the electronic signature. All customers need is a PC or tablet, an Internet connection and a smartphone.
Digital signatures with sign-me meet the strict requirements of the eIDAS Regulation for remote signatures. This was confirmed by TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH in a complex test procedure and the Federal Network Agency has now included sign-me in the eIDAS National Trusted List. This means that sign-me is Germany’s first eIDAS-compliant remote signature solution.