Emdha Trust Service Provider (TSP)

emdha Trust Service Provider (TSP) is operated under the Saudi National Root CA, offering trust services ranging from Online Digital Signature, Digital Certificates, and Timestamp Services enabling the business to integrate and avail trust services in real-time seamlessly, delivering superior user experience by incorporating a secure, international compliant digital signature methodology. emdha TSP emphasizes simplified and more secured signer authentication methods through its highly secured reliable User Account Vault – UAV (Know Your Customer – KYC) for its subscribers made through Trusted KYC Source offered by any third party trusted registered KYC approved by local governmental regulators.
emdha TSP (Certifying Authority) provides certification services to secure the exchange of information between key stakeholders, including the Government, Citizens, Residents, and Businesses. It offers a unique service in digital signatures for Natural Persons, Legal Persons, and Legal Entities covering most of the use-cases and needs of KSA digital transformation aligning with the Saudi Digital Vision 2030. emdha TSP complies and conforms to global PKI standards, processes, and Saudi Arabia Regulators’ Guidelines.
emdha TSP workgroup is a blend of various cultures and domain experts across the world as one family working towards attaining the single objective of the organization, making the country move forward with digital transformation.
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