
Intarsys AG is a leading manufacturer of software for the electronic signature in Europe. In addition to technologies for qualified and advanced electronic signatures, the company located at Karlsruhe, Germany, specializes in time stamps and long-term archiving with PDF/A. Under the slogan “smart secure signing”, intarsys offers signature products and components for all operating systems and from servers to web-based systems.
The signing software component SignLive! CC creates qualified signatures and checks existing signatures for their validity. The modern architecture of the intarsys product line and the consistent use of international standards ensure flexibility and investment security.
With “Sign Live! CC cloud suite gears”, their newest product, intarsys addresses local and remote signing of documents with arbitrary crypto tokens, smartcards or remote signing services. While running in the browser of the client or on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets the customer can use various signing methods, certificate types or signature qualities as part of his business process.
Beside these products intarsys develops software components for various European trust service providers for building up remote signing services and document signing services. The competence in electronic signatures as well as in PDF technology is an important criteria for selecting intarsys as design and implementation partner.
Beside being a founding member of the CSC and a major contributor of the API specification intarsys supports the TWG with the vice chair position. Additonally intarsys has developed the CSC API testbed for compliance testing with the CSC specification for Adobe which serves as the reference compliance check for all subsequent CSC API implementations.
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