CSC debuts in the eIDAS Observatory
April 8, 2019
On 5 April 2019, the Cloud Signature Consortium debuted in the eIDAS Observatory with a blog post on the CSC collaboration with ETSI on a new standard for cloud-based digital signatures. Read the blog post here.

Cloud Signature Consortium collaborates with ETSI to set the standard for interoperable, cloud-based digital signatures
April 2, 2019
Brussels, 2 April 2019 – The Cloud Signature Consortium today welcomed the adoption of ETSI Technical Specification 119 432, which provides a major boost to the availability of fully mobile cloud-based digital signatures, in line with the needs of today’s highly mobile, multi-device workforce. The TS, which features an important contribution from the CSC, establishes […]

Winning the Cube
February 8, 2019
Digital thinking is now a must. New businesses are established in a digital environment. Old businesses transform and adapt the technologies they use, changing the way they do business, work, and communicate with stakeholders regardless of whether they are internal (employees and management) or external (customers, suppliers, partners, …). It’s only right to imagine fully […]

How the CSC plans to make cloud-based digital signatures ubiquitous
January 14, 2019
It’s been quite a year for the Cloud Signature Consortium. Since we were formally incorporated as a not-for-profit association this time last year, membership has grown beyond the 11 founders to more than 20 members, and the numbers are still growing. CSC can now count among its members all of the world’s largest trust service […]