eID Easy – How free qualified signatures work with the closer look into Estonia
November 14, 2023
By Margus Pala, CEO, eID Easy Estonia had free qualified electronic signatures for 20 years now and there is a thriving ecosystem where almost everything is signed using QES. The same thing is happening in many other countries: Austria with ID offers a free signature portal, Portugal with Chave Movel allows free QES creation, and […]

The Cloud Signature Consortium has a renewed Board
July 13, 2023
Last month, the Cloud Signature Consortium met in Utrecht for its Annual General Meeting. It was the time to network and discuss important developments of the Association. During the General Meeting, a renewed board was unanimously voted – including three new members: Signaturit – represented by Sergio Ruiz, Cryptomathic – represented by Guillaume Forget and […]

The Cloud Signature Consortium is laying the groundwork for standards for cloud-based signatures in support of the EU Commission’s eIDAS 2.0 Regulation
July 5, 2023
As recently announced by President Viky Manaila at Identity Week 2023, the Cloud Signature Consortium is laying the groundwork for standards for cloud-based signatures in support of the EU Commission’s eIDAS 2.0 Regulation. As the Regulation is undergoing significant revision, the CSC specifications are set up to enable the easy use and adoption of digital […]

Impact of the Cloud Signature Consortium across different international events
The Cloud Signature Consortium has taken part in many events at an international level during the past month: Our collaboration with the World Economic Forum On 7th June, Viky Manaila, Cloud Signature Consortium President, was part of an international group of experts convened by the World Economic Forum on decentralized ID. She contributed to helping the responsible […]

Join CSC at the EC 3rd Countries Trust Services Forum on June 12
May 19, 2023
❗❕ Join the Cloud Signature Consortium at the EC 3rd Countries Trust Services Forum on June 12. The collaboration between the European Commission and the Third Countries has taken a substantial leap forward with the release of the Third Countries AdES List of the Lists (TC AdES LOTL). For presenting these developments, the European Commission has organised a hybrid event. It […]

Risks of eIDAS 2 Art.24 to EU Citizens & the Trust Service Sector (Open Letter)
February 1, 2023
Open Letter from Cloud Signature Consortium and Qualified Trust Services Organizations Warns of Risks in eIDAS 2 Regulation The Cloud Signature Consortium, together with other organisations representing the qualified trust services sector, have issued an open letter warning of the negative impact of proposed amendments in the eIDAS 2 regulation on consumers and to the […]