Italian citizens can now sign documents in a couple of clicks with SPID

May 26, 2021

By Francesco Vetrano, Intesi Group The restrictions and limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have had a direct impact on digital transformation, accelerating the adoption of paperless processes and electronic signatures. SPID (the Italian federated system of digital identities) integration has been added to the major European IdPs (such as BankID in Sweden and Norway, NemID in Denmark, FTN in […]

The role of eSignatures in fraud prevention

By Carrie Peter, Impression Signatures For many organisations, the value of auditable proof only becomes evident after they have incurred the cost of defending the validity of a contract or transaction. While cloud signatures do not yet have the support of underlying legislation, there are still measurable benefits to using eSignatures. For instance, preventing fraud is always preferable to prosecuting it, and this is where the […]

A New Cultural Transformation for South American Business from the Cloud

March 18, 2021

Transformation for South American Business Gestión de Seguridad Electrónica (GSE S.A.) has started the paradigm shift in South America. Understanding the needs of users in digital signature services, our company has enabled its products with the aim of facilitating their implementation and generating value for end customers, enriching the user experience, making it simpler and […]

Spontaneous remote signing for bank customers

March 26, 2021 rolled out solution based on preliminary CSC work on short-term certificates Since the beginning of this year, about 35 million German bank customers in the yes ecosystem are able to spontaneously sign contracts easily and securely with third-party providers using their online banking credentials. The service is compliant with the eIDAS regulation for remote signature […]

Bangladesh computer council delivers e-signing to citizens with Ascertia’s solutions

Trust Service Providers (TSPs) and Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) are using CSC globally to enable users to sign documents using Qualified and Advanced Electronic Signatures. With every country having its own requirements and regulations, CSC is enabling TSPs to offer interoperable solution offerings. This provides users with a choice of signature providers, ensuring solutions […]

CSC Best Practices: Roundtable on ID Verification How to meet customer needs & tackle regulatory challenges?

November 9, 2020

By Elisa Van Ruiten On 16 October 2020, the Cloud Signature Consortium hosted a member-only virtual roundtable: ID Verification: How to meet customer needs & tackle regulatory challenges? The event was moderated by John Jolliffe, Senior Manager of Strategic Development, Document Cloud at Adobe, and the international panel featured four CSC members, whose companies are […]